Content Ideas During the Lockdown

7 Content Ideas during the lockdown for Content Creators

This is a tough time as everyone is affected by Coronavius in some way or the other and content creators are falling short of Content Ideas during the lockdown. During this time, when all we hear is negative news, and stories, it has become tougher for content creators to decide on which topic to talk about.

Some influencers feel demotivated and distracted while the other ones don’t have ideas for creating fresh content.

Even if there is a content block, or reduction in engagement from the audience, we need to constantly keep putting out some valuable content to retain the audience to our Social Media Profiles.

Content Ideas during the lockdown

I’ve figured out a few content ideas during the lockdown that people will love to read about and engage with – 

Create a Coronavirus Content Hub: 

The Past few weeks have been tough for all of us, and the upcoming weeks are not going to be easy either. Creating a Coronavirus Content Hub can be a great opportunity for all of us to share the knowledge that we have, with respect to the current scenario. However, all of us need to be extremely cautious of any fake news that circulates around the same.

We have no idea how one wrong information can affect the lives of many. Make sure of sharing the source of your information, before putting it out there, in front of your audience.

Talk about recovery rates

Chances are high that covid cases rise more rapidly but let’s not forget to see the other side of the coin as well. There are so many people who panic just by hearing the number of covid daily cases.

To ease the situation, you can post about the recovery rates instead of the death rates or infected numbers. Make sure you give the source of your information before you give out any information. You can create content that revolves around the spike in recovery rates that will help in spreading hope.

Real Heros

This time is tough for everyone yet there are some people who are leaving their sorrows behind and coming forward to help people who are in need. You can create content about those Real Heros who are serving the welfare of society. 

For example- Mr. Sonu Sood, a Bollywood actor who is helping thousands of people by arranging food, medicine, convenience, etc for them. Mr. Sonu Sood is not the only person who is doing such amazing work. 

There are many other unsung heroes who don’t want anything in return but good for their fellow citizens. Post about such heroes and remind the world humanity exists and we’re not alone in this.

Healthy Diet Plans

Immunity has indeed become a hot topic of the town as this is one of the things that helps you to take a fight against Coronavirus. So, how about posting content that revolves around a healthy lifestyle.

This time has surely taught one thing that a healthy lifestyle should be our focus so now when people are interested in creating a healthy lifestyle, you can become the support system for them. You can talk about your own diet plan, healthy food which you consume, healthy fruits, etc. These healthy diet plans will attract more and more people towards your content because this is the need of the hour.

Positive Affirmations & Quotes

We have discussed a lot about immunity, and a healthy lifestyle so that corona can’t harm us but what about mental health? The upcoming months are uncertain.

Anything can take place, maybe like last year many people will be fired from their job, many people will suffer from mental stability due to career pressure or anything else, things are vague.

In such a time, you can post positive affirmations and quotes that will brighten up the day of the reader and give them hope. Now, what’s better than to become the reason for someone’s smile? This is the time when all we need is hope and make sure your content fulfills this need by making them feel strong again.

Promote a Cause

If you are already a Big name in the Digital Segment, you can leverage your brand to help out people do good for society. Organize Online Fundraisers and help brands & people be a part of your journey of helping the ones in need.

If you’re a part of an NGO, or you have done any donation/kind work, share it with others to inspire them. If your good work can inspire someone else to take the same road even if to one person only, it is worth the time and as a content creator, you win the race.

City Tour

Though every city and state is poorly affected by the Coronavirus. The scarcity of oxygen and beds in the hospital is nothing new. In such a case, you can create city-specific content that gives accurate and valuable information about your city. 

Let’s say you’re from Jaipur. You have friends in Jaipur, and your friends also have friends, right? Create a powerful group and try to cover necessary information about Jaipur. The information can revolve around Oxygen or bed availability, plasma donation, etc. You can target a city-specific audience moreover, it will be easier for people to find you.

Work and Education

For adults, employment, and for youngsters, education is the subject to worry about. No one knows when and who will be fired whereas, students are depressing over their career.

To help them out, you can create content that talks about work from opportunities and free online courses that are relevant for the future of children. In this way, you can be a source of information and solution for both students and adults.

Motivate People for a Side Hustle:

With work from home happening, we are all saving the traveling time to the office. With the time saved, you can always motivate people to work on a side hustle. 

 Work From Home Tips:

Most people are now working from home and every one of them wants to know how to improve productivity while working from home. Even if some manage to maintain productivity at work, they are unable to balance personal relationships. 

Try to create content that suggests how to set up a home office while not forgetting personal life. Relate the same with your personal life and share your personal experience and learnings with people.

How to stay in shape without the gym:

Since gyms are shut down, and people want to know the secrets of how to stay in shape without the gym, you can consider creating content that helps people to stay healthy. Share your workout routines with people, and share the affiliate links of the products that they need to purchase for a good home workout. This way you can help people to stay healthy and fit even without the gym.

Entertaining content:

Everyone is going through a tough time. It’s indeed getting harder for every one of us to steal some moments of joy and fun from fate. At this time, entertaining content can help to distract people from the negative and painful news. Consider creating content that can bring a smile to someone’s face. You can share some funny challenges, free streaming, and the like.

DIY Ideas:

If you are a party planner, you can always look into sharing some DIY Ideas with your audience. Not only can you create content wrt to DIY Ideas, but you can also create DIY Kits, and help people celebrate from the comfort of their homes.

Also, you can create content on how to organize a perfect zoom party & A few in-house family/ friends game ideas.  


I’ve tried my best to give you a pool of ideas that can be worked upon. I have been doing the same, for a number of my clients, and hopefully, this will help you in showing your work, as well as in being helpful to society.

No one was ready for such an unpleasant time yet we all are fighting our own battles in different areas of our life. As content creators & most importantly as human beings, it is our responsibility to stand strong and together for each other. And through our content, we can surely shift the attention of people by spreading positivity, joy, gratitude, and hope.

There are a few other content bucket ideas that I’ve previously discussed in my blog too. Feel free to check out the same.

Think about which topic suits you, do some research on it, and produce content that creates the Difference in society.